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Testing speeds for 20mph zone

by admin on April 15th, 2019

Speed tests are to be carried out in York Hill following pressure from Hills Amenity Society for a 20mph speed limit throughout the Hills which has been taken up by Councillor Chris Pond. He has succeeded in escalating the project with the support of Loughton Town Council but says officers have warned the area may not meet minimum criteria for adoption of 20mph zone. Strips will appear across the road in two places to measure speed, after which the County Council will consider the proposal and decide which, if any, areas may be included. ECC adopts a flexible approach to speed limit variation. Its public statement reads: “Priority will need to be given to locations that demonstrate a collision saving and added benefits including improvements in quality of life and community benefits and encouragement of healthier and more sustainable transport modes such as walking and cycling.” If it is decided to proceed with a 20mph limit roundels (as illustrated) will have to be painted on the roads affected.  This was publicised in the Hills Newsletter last autumn and no objections in principle have been received.

If you would like to join the campaign to slow down traffic in the Hills you can use your wheelie bin as a “weapon”.  Stickers are available FREE from the Hon. Sec. by emailing


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