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Hills Amenity Society AGM: Agenda

by admin on May 15th, 2022

Notce is hereby given that the Annual General Meetng of the Hills Amenity Society will be held on Thursday 19 May 2022 at 7.30pm at Loughton Bowling Club,  Eleven Acre Rise, Loughton

1 Apologies for absence

2. Chairman’s report:

3. Treasurer’s Report and Adopton of Accounts for 2021-2022

4. Election of Officers

The current officers and Committee Members are:

Chairman: Toby Scrutton
Hon. Treasurer: Peter Wynn
Hon. Secretary:  Vacant
Committee: Stephen Cohen, Wendy Fisher, Brenda Harris, Ian Locks, Parag Shah, Kevin Little, Sarah Little, Marcus Warren,

NominaIons have been invited but none received.

6. Any other business notified on advance of the meetng: None received.


Hills Amenity Society

Treasurers Report 2021/22

Income from subs and donations for 2021/22 showed a considerable increase having received funds from 65 households, the majority of which were paid online, compared to 25 the previous year. A donation from two sources for use of our web meeting software also helped.

Expenditure was limited to fees for web domain and web hosting, part of which was for the previous year’s hosting due to late receipt of an invoice.

We look forward to a continued interest in the work of the H A S. Subs/Donation Payment details remain as before:-

Sort code Account no. Name

Hills Amenity Society

Please use your surname and 1st line of address as reference and advise of payment to

A copy of the accounts is available on the website.

Peter Wynn Hon. Treasurer

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