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Resident chases lorry after 5am demolition of cars and garden wall in York Hill

by admin on October 24th, 2013







Pictures by Lawrence Gray, who assisted at the scene, and Justine Woods


Sat-Nav nightmare growing for the Hills

A York Hill resident has described how he chased in his pyjamas after a lorry with foreign plates around five am after he heard the wall outside his home being demolished. He said later he caught up with the driver at the Gardener’s Arms where the lorry was stuck at the bend and understood from the driver and police who arrived later that the vehicle had been directed up York Hill by its Sat Nav and was heading for Harlow.

Before the wall of 59 York Hill was demolished, two cars, both parked at the side of the road just down from the junction with Kings Hill, had been damaged, one losing a front wheel.  Marks on the road suggest that the cream mini was pushed several feet up the road in the impact. The car was later removed on a transporter. Two other cars – four in all – were also damaged.

How on earth do you get Romanian sat-navs altered?

County Councillor Chris Pond and his wife Councillor Caroline Pond inspected the damage the morning of the accident, Thursday 25 October.

He said: “I’ve requested the Highways Liaison Officer to advise on what better signage might be had, and have offered to fund it out of the local budget. I’ve spoken to several people including the owner of a damaged car (four were damaged in all) and hope we can stop this.

“But how on earth do you get Romanian sat-navs altered? This is absurd. We also had an artic in Staples Rd a few weeks ago!”


Police are investigating.



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