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News Update – March 2013

by admin on March 26th, 2013

Parking restrictions likely to spark debate

A major residents’ parking scheme operating seven days a week, 24 hours a day is being proposed for the York Hill and Staples Road conservation areas and surrounding roads.

Roads affected would be York Hill, York Crescent, Potters Close, Wallers Hoppet (excluding the private road), Woodbury Hill, Steeds Way, Forest Way, Pump Hill, Queens Road, Staples Road and Kings Green, and Kings Hill.  Residents should have received advance notification of the plans via Loughton Residents Association to introduce the scheme for residents only parking coupled with some meter parking and extensive restrictions on parking in these areas. Detailed plans will be circulated in due course.

Hills Amenity Society has been in contact with Loughton Residents Association through County Councillor Chris Pond suggesting a joint meeting with the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP), the body responsible for parking matters in our area.  The purpose of such a meeting would be to understand better the details of the scheme and how it will impact on residents.

Discussion is likely to be around how such a move will change the nature of the conservation area through such urbanisation against the considerable aggravation which many residents and pedestrians suffer from parked vehicles.

Residents affected should receive a questionnaire to be returned to NEPP.  Our understanding is that the scheme will go ahead if the majority of residents responding give their support.

Parking around Fifteen could prove final straw

A retrospective application has been made by Fifteen at the bottom of York Hill to be allowed to retain the terrace and picket fence erected without permission. Representation has been made opposing the application on the grounds that the building of the terrace has exacerbated parking problems with several spaces lost resulting in parking around the establishment causing considerable problems.  In particular this is caused by cars blocking the pavement opposite creating a major danger for pedestrians.

Slowly, slowly with the posts on York Hill Green

The York Hill resident who has been campaigning for action to repair the damaged posts on York Hill Green believes he may be in sight of success.  He received the following note from Sue Ridgley, the land agent and planning officer for Epping Forest who has been on the case seeking to establish who is responsible for the posts.  The finger now points firmly at the County Council. Writes Sue:

“The County Councillor has been in touch with the Highways Department who have now apologised for the difficulties I encountered trying to make contact with them.

“The bollards have been inspected by the Highways Department earlier this month and it was noted that the position of the bollards had not worsened since the last inspection in December 2012 and that although they are crooked they do not pose a safety issue. However, they expect that the bollards will be re-set during the next financial year.  At least we have the promise of some action being taken; I’ll keep you “posted”.

As our persistent and heroic York Hill campaigner comments rather harshly we thought: “Don’t hold your breath….”

Goodbye April Cottage

In case you were wondering, the owners of April Cottage in Pump Hill had full permission to demolish the building, which had undergone extensive work only a couple or so years ago.  There is permission to erect a new dwelling on the site.  Meanwhile patience is required as massive cement lorries block the top half of Pump Hill seemingly most days.

Coronation Picnic?

Following the success of last year’s Jubilee picnic on York Hill Green the possibility of repeating the event this summer with a Jubilee “Big Lunch” is being investigated by the Hills committee.

Hope yet for a Plaque?

A delegation from the Hills Committee of the current chairman, Wendy Fisher, and chairman elect Stephen Cohen is to visit the Forest Commissioners’ offices in the hope of gaining permission for a Hills Commemorative Landmark Plaque on York Hill Green.  The design offered by Stephen Cohen (above) received unanimous approval.

AGM on Thursday 23 May

Make a date for the Hills AGM and open meeting at The Gardeners Arms on Wednesday 23 May 2013.


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