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Meet your local Councillors on 16 May

by admin on April 15th, 2019


There’s a lot about lighting in the Spring/Summer edition of the Hills Newsletter (available online here), mainly because the County Council is switching to LED lighting but without necessarily heeding the needs of Conservation Areas far away from Chelmsford. In fact there’s a lot about roads generally: more parking… by residents, commuters, those who work in the High Road. Should we have residents parking areas? Speeding – with the hopeful news of speed being monitored. And more vehicle crime, particularly of the fashionable ‘key-less’ theft variety, all of which is monitored by the 50-strong HillsWatch group on Facebook. We do our bit – but the real heavy lifting is done by those who serve as our representatives on the Town, District and County local authorities.  Those representing the Hills have been invited to form a panel at an open meeting at The Gardeners on 16 May at 7. 30pm. Do come along to meet them and to have your say.


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