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Trevelyan House and Woodberrie go to appeal

by admin on October 23rd, 2015

An application to develop Trevelyan House and its adjoining buildings into a mini estate of 10 homes on the site which abuts the Potato Field allotments has gone to appeal.  The plans were rejected by Epping Forest DC. At its meeting the Hills Amenity Society had expressed concern that access to the site might be sought via Church Hill and Monkchester Close, a route which would almost certainly impinge on allotment land.  The development would also create a “development bridge” between Baldwins Hill via Stony Path and the almshouses.

Woodberrie, Woodbury Hill. Plans to demolish an existing garage and erect a two storey extension to the existing dwelling house were rejected by Epping Forest DC.  The proposal has now gone to appeal.

And some other planning applications at October 2014

62 Queens Road Single storey front extension.

36 Queens Road Proposed front and rear dormer extensions all below the level of the existing house ridge but including raising of the side hip to gable. Front dormer position over existing bay set back to align with the adjacent new proposed front dormer.


29 Woodbury Hill Proposed single-storey rear extension (garden room) with internal alterations and proposed garage and extension to existing outbuilding

76 Queens Road Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension with a roof lantern. Alterations to fenestration to include enlargement of existing windows at first and ground floor south-west flank elevation.

4 Pump Hill Single storey front extension, reduce level of basement, raised rear deck, reduced levels in garden and changes to rear windows.

2 Wroths Path Conversion of storage areas and single storey rear extension following demolition of of existing rear addition.Alterations to front elevation include new windows ground floor and new porch.


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