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How could this have happened?

by admin on September 8th, 2020

Hills letter to Prince of Wales on ‘out of character’ Woodbury Hill development

The development of the Woodberrie site on Woodbury Hill has been highlighted in a Hills Amenity Society letter to be sent to Prince Charles, famously the scourge of developments he considers “carbuncles”.

The Hills Amenity Society, Loughton, Essex

Heritage property close to Saxon fort under threat – Epping Forest planning application (Ref EFP/3407/16)

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales

Dear Sir,

With knowledge of your interest in and care for our countryside and protected buildings we are writing to seek your advice and assistance in a situation that has arisen concerning one of the properties in a local conservation area.

The area is within Epping Forest and our Hills Amenity Society works throughout the year to protect the very special environment in which we live, the Hills Conservation areas of Loughton, and provides a forum for local residents to voice their views and concerns about relevant issues.

We have contacted the Planning and Enforcement Departments of Epping Forest District Council, our MP, Mrs Eleanor Laing as well as the responsible Secretary of State but have had no response.

The property is situated in the centre of the York Hill conservation area on the corner of Woodbury Hill and Kings Hill, 500 yards from an ancient Saxon fort in Epping Forest. It was an attractive ‘Arts and Crafts’ style locally listed structure surrounded by trees and hedges.

An extension under planning application EFP/3407/16 has been built (which) is extremely high and completely out of character with the surrounding area.

We appreciate that you have an extremely busy life but hope that, through your staff, you may be able to offer some guidance on how to proceed.
Yours Faithfully,

Toby Scrutton

The Hills Amenity Society, Loughton

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